Search result 68 of 69

catalogue: Bibliotheca universalis. [Van Sprong was a Doctor of Law, Lybreghts was a notary; the appendix contains the books and instruments of military man and pyrotechnist Muller]. The Hague: Ottho van Thol & Mattheus Gaillard, 1758. 8°: [2] 72 p.

auctioneer: Thol, Ottho van

auctioneer: Gaillard, Mattheus

date auction: 1758-09-11
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 3633

Sprong, J.F. van
Lybreghts, Arent
Muller, Jan Adam
Sprong, J.F. van & Arent Lybreghts & Jan Adam Muller

microfiche: mf 5713

signature original: Augsburg, UB I.1.8.290:1