Search result 56 of 79

Judaïca - Livres anciens et modernes - Documentation - Estampes - Photographies

catalogue: Veilingcatalogus

auctioneer: Kapandji Morhange
auctioneer: Kapandji, Ghislaine
auctioneer: Morhange, Élie
auctioneer: Szapiro, Elie
auctioneer: Salmon, Yves
auctioneer: Galantaris, Christian
auctioneer: Toutut, Yves
auctioneer: Cahen, Antoine
auctioneer: Marcilhac, Félix
auctioneer: Romand, KJean-Claude
auctioneer: Crouzet, Christophe
auctioneer: Romand, Antoine

date auction: 23-24 okt 2007
Verzcat 59144

place of publication: Parijs