Search result 45 of 48

catalogue: Catalogus insignium, rarissimorumque librorum. [Collected by a lawyer at the Court of Holland; at the end the catalogue of prints and drawings collected by the Hague magistrate Van der Lisse]. The Hague: Cornelis de Graaf, 1686. 4°: [2] 34 [3] p.

auctioneer: Graaf, Cornelis de

date auction: 1686-03-11
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 3697

Bortius, Nicolaus
Lisse, Dirk van der
Bortius, Nicolaus & Dirk van der Lisse

microfiche: mf 5792

signature original: Wolfenbüttel, HAB Bc Sammelband 9:17