Search result 18 of 35

catalogue: Bibliotheca Inderveldiana. The Hague: Adriaen (II) Moetjens & Eustachius de Haan, 1737. 8°. 2 parts. [4] 226 [2] 227-420 [= 414] p.

auctioneer: Moetjens, Adriaen (II)

auctioneer: Haan, Eustachius de

date auction: 1737-07-01
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 155 (1-2)

Indervelde, Johannes Walther
Indervelde, Johannes Walther

microfiche: mf 274-278

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 132a