Search result 23 of 56

catalogue: Catalogus van een fraaye verzameling [...] boeken. [Collected by a Sint-Michielsgestel and Gemonde minister]. Den Bosch: Jacobus Palier, 1763. 8°: [4] 44 p.

auctioneer: Palier, Jacobus

date auction: 1763-01-10
place: Den Bosch
place: Sint-Michielsgestel
place: Gemonde
identification: IDC-cat. 546 (A-B)

Sohnius, Matthias Wilhelmus (1703-1762)
Sohnius, Matthias Wilhelmus (1703-1762)

microfiche: mf 882-883

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 296:1-2 [2 copies; the 2nd copy with some ms. prices]