Search result 42 of 56

catalogue: Catalogus, van een schone verzameling [...] boeken. [Josselin was a Veghel and Erp minister]. Den Bosch: Jacobus Palier & Hendrik (II) Palier, 1766. 8°: [2] 156 [= 158] p.

auctioneer: Palier, Jacobus

auctioneer: Palier, Hendrik (II)

date auction: 1766-06-03
place: Den Bosch
place: Veghel
place: Erp
identification: IDC-cat. 550

Josselin, Petrus Godefridus (1692-1776)
Josselin, Petrus Godefridus (1692-1776)

microfiche: mf 889-891

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 328 [ms. prices]