Search result 51 of 56

catalogue: Catalogus van een fraaye verzameling [...] boeken. [Collected by a Bosch magistrate]. Den Bosch: Jacobus Palier, 1762. 8°: [2] 133 p.

auctioneer: Palier, Jacobus

date auction: 1762-06-08
place: Den Bosch
identification: IDC-cat. 547 (A-B)

Storm van 's-Gravesande, Jeremias
Storm van 's-Gravesande, Jeremias

microfiche: mf 883-886

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 292 [2 copies, both with ms. prices; in the 1st copy the last unnumbered page is bound after the title page]