Search result 81 of 129

catalogue: Catalogus van de uitmuntende en zeer vermaarde konst- en natuur-kabinetten. [Collected by an Amsterdam magistrate; 4 vols. 1: medals and coins. 2: medals and coins, antiquities and manuscripts. 3. (Eastern) art and rarities, maps, mathematical instruments, etc. 4. naturalhistory]. (Sold by Dirk van Hage & Vincent Posthumus & Pieter Kerkhoven & Jan Lempjes). Amsterdam: heirs Jacob Lescailje & Dirk Rank, [1728]. 8°. 4 vols. [2] 16 p. 16 p. 24 p. 32 p.

auctioneer: Hage, Dirk van

auctioneer: Posthumus, Vincent

auctioneer: Kerkhoven, Pieter

auctioneer: Lempjes, Jan

date auction: 1728-03-30
place: Amsterdam
identification: IDC-cat. 2528 A-D

Witsen, Nicolaes (1641-1717)
Lescailje, Jacob, heirs
Rank, Dirk
Witsen, Nicolaes (1641-1717)

microfiche: mf 3907-3910

signature original: London, BL SC 467:1-4