Search result 38 of 88

catalogue: Bibliotheca Vryhoviana. [An Amsterdam Professor of Law]. Amsterdam: widow Salomon Schouten & Petrus Schouten & Jan (II) Roman, [1754]. 8°: [2] 112 p.

auctioneer: Schouten, Salomon, widow

auctioneer: Schouten, Petrus

auctioneer: Roman, Jan (II)

date auction: 1754-10-21
place: Amsterdam
identification: IDC-cat. 221 3256

Vryhoff, Hubertus Gregorius van
Vryhoff, Hubertus Gregorius van

microfiche: mf 383-384 5166-5167

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 226 [some ms. prices]

signature original: The Hague, KB Verz. Cat. 2649:1 [ms. prices]