Search result 87 of 88

catalogue: Bibliotheca selectissima. [Collected by an Amsterdam merchant]. Amsterdam: Salomon Schouten & Petrus Schouten & Hendrik Vieroot & Jan (II) Roman & Joannes Gysius, [1750]. 8°: [2] 141 [2] 30 12 p.

auctioneer: Vieroot, Hendrik

auctioneer: Roman, Jan (II)

auctioneer: Gysius, Joannes

auctioneer: Schouten, Salomon

auctioneer: Schouten, Petrus

date auction: 1750-09-07
place: Amsterdam
identification: IDC-cat. 176 (3) 208 934

Marcus, Jacob
Marcus, Jacob

microfiche: mf 318-320 359-363 1565-1568

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB, Nv 203 bound after Nv 161 [ms. prices; the two unnumbered p. after p. 141 are lacking]

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB, Nv 203 [interleaved copy; ms. prices; buyers' names; p. 81-82 bound after p. 94; p. 95-96 bound after p. 80; interleaf after p. 16 of the 2nd numbered sequence is bound after p. 30 of the 2nd numbered sequence]