Search result 103 of 172

catalogue: Vier verzamelingen [...] boeken. [The 1st collection belonged to J.C. toe Laar, a Doctor of Medicine]. Amsterdam: Hendrik Gartman & Willem Vermandel & Jan Willem Smit, [1800]. 8°: [2] 76 48 p.

auctioneer: Gartman, Hendrik

auctioneer: Vermandel, Willem

auctioneer: Smit, Jan Willem

date auction: 1800-10-27
place: Amsterdam
identification: IDC-cat. 727

Laar, J.C. toe
Noordinck, J.
Castro, Henriques de
Laar, J.C. toe & J. Noordinck & Henriques de Castro

microfiche: mf 1157-1159

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 694