You have searched for %28%28auctioneer+all+%22Swart%22%29+or+%28auctioneerReference+all+%22Swart%22%29%29
Search results nr. 71 to 80 of 234

71. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: Epenhuijzen, Matthijs van
auctioneer: Swart, Johannes
Den Haag 1753-11-27
72. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: May, Isaac
auctioneer: Swart, weduwe Steven
Amsterdam 1698-04-24
73. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: Swart, weduwe Steven
collector: Baltingius
collector: Tousijz
auctioneer: Swart, weduwe Steven
Amsterdam 1707-09-28
74. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: anoniem
auctioneer: Swart, Johannes
Den Haag 1715-00-00
75. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: anoniem
auctioneer: Swart, Johannes
Den Haag 1715-00-00
76. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: anoniem
auctioneer: Swart, Johannes
Den Haag 1716-00-00
77. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: anoniem
auctioneer: Swart, Johannes
Den Haag 1716-00-00
78. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: J.D.J.
auctioneer: Swart, Johannes
Den Haag 1716-04-06
79. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: J.M.B.
collector: H.S.I.M.
auctioneer: Swart, Johannes
Den Haag 1716-06-22
80. auction
[ Auctions ]
collector: anoniem
auctioneer: Swart, Johannes
Den Haag 1717-00-00