Search result 31 of 40

Interior of the Bibliotheca Thysiana in Leiden

Biemans, Jos A.A.M. (fotograaf/photographer)
year: ca. 1990

type: dia
detail: nee
related terms: geleerdenbibliotheken bibliotheekgebouwen conservering
period: 17e eeuw
J: Bibliotheken en instellingen

contents: When the Bibliotheca Thysiana was built, the most favourable depository conditions were reckoned with. The books in the reading room are high and dry on the first floor and despite the large windows hardly any sunlight is enters. A wooden balustrade keeps the visitors away from the bookcases, the custodian hands over the required books. Thus the lay-out of the renovated Leiden University Library was followed. After a period of neglect and decay the Leiden Bibliotheca Thysiana, a unique and important 17th-century library monument, was refurbished and reopened in 2001.

©description: Dr Jos A A M Biemans, Leiden
©reproduction: Dr Jos A A M Biemans, Leiden



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