Search result 21 of 37

`De boekdrukker', from "Letter geschenk voor de lieve jeugd", Sneek c. 1800

Holtkamp, F. (uitgever/publisher)
year: ca. 1800

type: illustratie
dimensions: 10,7 x 18,7 cm.
related terms: kinderboeken boekdrukkunst
period: 18e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
M43: Taalwetenschap, letterkunde: andere Germaanse talen

contents: This children's book consists of a number of explanatory verses and pictures about all sorts of things such as: the fool, the learned man, the greengrocer, a man-of-war, the five senses, faith, hope and charity and the Palace on the Dam. The printer shares the page with the pancake booth, the postman and the roundabout. The accompanying rhyme tells the children that printing books is the noblest of the arts, for `it makes the stupid wise'.

source: Letter geschenk voor de lieve jeugd. - Sneek : F. Holtkamp, s.a. [ca. 1800], p. 14
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 1090 H 126

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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