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Interior of the Paleis voor Volksvlijt in Amsterdam during the 'Eerste tentoonstelling van Hulpmiddelen voor den Boekhandel, 1881

Braakensiek, J. (illustrator)
year: 1881

type: tekening
detail: nee
dimensions: afmetingen onbekend
related terms: boekhandel tentoonstellingen (boeken-) boekenpromotie
period: 19e eeuw
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: This watercolour by Johan Braakensiek (1858-1940) shows the interior of the Palace for National Industry during the first exhibition for the book trade in 1881, organised by the Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des boekhandels, the present KVB. Publishers and printers, bookbinders, paper traders and print makers showed their 'resources' such as luxury editions, printing presses, paper, separate bindings, binding designs, type specimens, all sorts of print work, illustrative material and frames. 'To add lustre to the occasion' there were also examples of books and prints from the past. The portrait in the foreground shows the famous author Jacob van Lennep. The exhibition was a great success.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Amsterdam Bibliotheek KVB Universiteitsbibliotheek UVA


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