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Two pages from the "Groot ABC-boek", or `Haneboek', Haarlem: Christoph Henrich Bohn, s.a.

Bohn, Christoph Henrich (drukker/printer)
year: 18e eeuw

type: tekstbladzijde illustratie
page illustration
detail: nee
dimensions: 13 x 18 cm. (twee blz. samen) 9 x 7 cm. (ill.)
related terms: leesonderwijs alfabetisering schoolboeken alfabetten
period: 18e eeuw
K: Maatschappelijke aspecten van boekproductie en -verspreiding
M3: Maatschappijwetenschappen

contents: Learning to read was done from this "Groot A.B.C. Boek", particularly known as the Haneboek, because of the cock on the reverse of the title page. It was used everywhere in the 17th and 18th centuries. The contents might vary, but it always contained different alphabets (Gothic, roman, italic) and furthermore all kinds of prayers such as the Lord's Prayer, the ten commandments, the articles of religion and, as in this copy, the prayers that had to be said before and after meals. Teaching children to become virtuous Christians, loyal citizens and faithful members of the church was the focus of education.

source: Groot A.B.C. Boek, zeer bekwaam om te leeren leezen. - Haarlem: Christoph Henrich Bohn, s.d.
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 28 F 18

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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