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Date in red ink, applied by a rubricator below the colophon of a book, printed by Nicolaes Ketelaer and Gheraert de Leempt.

Ketelaer, Nicolaes (drukker/printer)
De Leempt, Gheraert (drukker/printer)
Apollinaris, Sidonius (auteur/author)
year: 1474

type: boek
technique: handschrift
detail: nee
related persons: Apollinaris, Sidonius
related terms: colofons rubriceringen incunabelen
period: 15e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

contents: On the last page of this book, printed by the Utrecht printers Nicolaes Ketelaer and Gheraert de Leempt, the rubricator has placed a postscript: Anno 1474. Finitum Traiecti (finished in Utrecht in 1474). Despite the lack of a colophon, it can be determined that the book must have been printed shortly before 1474.

source: Apollinaris, Sidonius - Epistolae et carmina. - Utrecht, Nicolaus Ketelaer, Gerardus de Leempt [1474], 152 r = [q] 6r
©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Bourges BM


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