Search result 28 of 162

Bookstall in the 'Grote Zaal van 't Hof' (the Ridderzaal) in The Hague 1777, detail

Mourik, Bernardus (graveur/engraver)
Mourik, Bernardus (uitgever/publisher)
year: 1777

type: prent
detail: ja
dimensions: 16,5 x 12 cm.
related terms: boekhandels
period: 18e eeuw
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: Detail of a print with the draw of the States-General lottery which had taken place on 25 August 1777 in the 'Great Hall of the Court' (the Hall of Knights) in The Hague. Bookstalls were let to booksellers of The Hague during the time of the Dutch Republic. A great advantage was that the Binnenhof, of which the 'Great Hall' was a part, fell under the authority of the Netherlands Court of Audit. The city council of The Hague and the Hague booksellers guild had no authority over them at all. The bookstalls attracted an international public, including diplomatic representatives of surrounding countries.

source: De maandelykse Nederlandsche Mercurius, geevende een volledig bericht van alles, wat'er aanmerkenswaardig ieder maand, in Europa is voorgevallen [...] Als mede het voornaamste kerknieuws der Luthersche gemeentens [...]. - Amsterdam, Bernardus Mourik, augustus 1777 t.o.p. 40.
©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Gemeentearchief



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