Search result 71 of 162

"Het Koninklijk Museum van 's-Gravenhage op steen gebracht", Amsterdam, 1828-1833

Desguerrois (graveur/engraver)
year: 1828-1833

type: illustratie
detail: nee
related terms: plaatwerken lithografie
period: 19e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
E: Boekillustratie

contents: One of the many applications of the 19th-century new graphic art of lithography was that of the reproduction of well-known works of art, and particularly of paintings. This is the first good lithographic illustration work in the Netherlands, executed under the management of the lithographer Desguerrois, originating from Belgium, who had started a business in Amsterdam. In a few years, dozens of sheets with reproductions of all the paintings in the 'Koninklijk Museum van 's-Gravenhage' (the Royal Museum at The Hague), the present Mauritshuis, were published.

source: Het Koninklijk Museum van 's-Gravenhage op steen gebracht, Amsterdam, 1828-1833
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 1291 B 16

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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