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Grinding equipment in a paper mill, early 20th century

Voorn, H. (auteur/author)
Vlaanderen, André (illustrator)
year: 1985

type: illustratie
detail: nee
related terms: papiermolens papiermaken Hollanders
period: 20e eeuw
B: Schriftdragers, inkt

contents: This grinding equipment, consisting of 'hollanders' (left) and 'kollergangen' (right) replaced the former stamping and beating work of the hammer mill from the beginning of paper making. It is supposed that the hollander was indeed invented in the Netherlands and was here also for the first time applied on a large scale. Both machines serve to grind the raw material for paper into pulp.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: VNP (Vereniging van Nederlandse Papier- en Kartonfabrieken), Hoofddorp


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Definition: machine with which raw material for paper is cut and ground in water into a solution from which paper is moulded; this is done in an oval tank in which a revolving roll with knives attached is placed.