Search result 18 of 27

Interior of the librije of Zutphen

Biemans, Jos A.A.M. (fotograaf/photographer)
year: ca. 1990

type: dia
detail: nee
related terms: librijes bibliotheekgebouwen
period: 16e eeuw
J: Bibliotheken en instellingen

contents: The librije (library) of Zutphen is 18m long and 8 m wide. Tall windows provide a good lighting. Although it dates from 1561-1564 this library is organised according to a medieval model. Bookcases are not found, the books are put on wooden scaffoldings with a fixed slanting desk on both sides. Above the scaffolding is a rod to which the books have been fastened by chains. Between two desks is a seat on which one can consult the books on two desks while seated.

©description: Dr Jos A A M Biemans Leiden
©reproduction: Dr Jos A A M Biemans Leiden



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Definition: name for a mediaeval or 16th century library; usually a church, monastic or town library.