Search result 8 of 37

F.C. Terborgh, "El gran cañon", Utrecht, 1965

Terborgh, F.C. (auteur/author)
Kuiper, Jan (vormgever/designer)
Dalenoord, Jenny (illustrator)
Clement, Piet (drukker/printer)
Stichting de Roos (uitgever/publisher)
year: 1965

type: tekstbladzijde illustratie
page illustration
technique: lithografie
detail: nee
dimensions: 26 cm.
related terms: typografische vormgeving illustraties lithografie bibliofiele uitgaven
period: 20e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
E: Boekillustratie

contents: The typography of this book is by Jan Kuiper, the lithographs are by Jenny Dalenoord, and it is printed by Piet Clement. It is published by the 'Stichting De Roos', named after S.H. de Roos, and founded in 1945. This foundation wants to make books solely for the love of typography and art, in all imaginable forms in which these can go hand in hand. The foundation has a maximum of 175 members and there has been a waiting list for many years. Every year three to four editions are published exclusively meant for the members, and edited by all kinds of different companies and private individuals.

source: Terborgh, F.C. - El gran cañon / F.C. Terborgh. - Utrecht: De Roos, 1965, p. 4-5
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 52 F 27

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: uitgever


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