Search result 3 of 7

Some notes about the Dutch incunabulum "Van de eygenscappen der dingen" (1485) of Bartholomeus Engelsman (XIIIth C.).
Regnum vegetabile; 71
Vandewiele, L.J.

Smith, P. (editorVolume)
Laage, R.J.Ch.V. ter (editorVolume)
in: Essays in biohistory and other contributions: presented by friends and collegues to Frans Verdoorn on the occasion of his 60th birthday

Utrecht: International Assiciation for Plant Taxonomy, 1970, p. 388-393

exacte wetenschappen
Bartholomaeus Anglicus
15e eeuw

M5: Exacte wetenschappen

signature: 7377 A 36

signature: O.D. overdr. 8054

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