Search result 320 of 18527
A letter to Philip Hofer on certain problems connected with the mechanical cutting of punches: a facsimile reproduction with an introduction and commentary by John Dreyfus Studies in the history of calligraphy and printing; 4 Krimpen, Jan van Dreyfus J (authorIntroduction) Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard College Library; Boston: David R. Godine, 1972. - 101 p., ill. review: Quaerendo, 3 (1973), p. 239-242 - reviewer: Ovink, G.W. - signature: LHO AW.A 06b QUAE Met een facs. van de handgeschreven brief. Niet aanwezig in de KB. keywords: letterontwerpers letterontwerpen (activiteit) lettertypen Krimpen, Jan van Nederland 20e eeuw classification: C: Paleografie, letterontwerp, lettertypen, lettergieten, schrift signature: S 1076 4 |