Search result 389 of 18527

'Als een Ooievaar binnenvliegt leest het hele huisgezin': over vormgeving van de pockets in de Ooievaar-reeks van uitgeverij bert Bakker, de eerste periode van 1954 tot 1972
Vrie Dingenus van de

Faassen Sjoerd van et al (authorVolume)
Bel, Jacqueline ... [et al.]. (editorVolume)
in: [Bert Bakker].

[Hoogstraten; Den Haag: Stichting ZL, 2008], p. 194-209, ill.

typografische vormgeving
Berserik, Herman
Bakker, Bert
Bakker, Bert (fa.)
20e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij
M43: Taalwetenschap, letterkunde: andere Germaanse talen

signature: TE 19654

other studies by the same author

other studies with the same classification

series of illustrations

Definition: number of illustrations belonging to one text.

literary series

Definition: as parts of a series of published literary works (mostly fiction); the designation 'literary' refers to the relatively high quality of the contents.

paperback series

Definition: series of editions in paperback of popular books, in which the separate parts are characterised by the same design.

print series

Definition: number of prints belonging together because they share one or more of the following characteristic: the artist who made the series, the subject depicted, or the technique used.


Definition: serial publication which, according to the planning, consists of an unlimited number of separate works which have, apart from the common series title, also a main title of their own.