Search result 651 of 18527

An unknown chart attributed to Hessel Gerritsz, about 1628
Destombes, M.

in: Imago mundi, 6 (1949), p. 14, [1] p. pl., ill.

kaarten (geografie)
Gerritsz, Hessel

M8: Land- en volkenkunde, geografie, cartografie

signature: O.D. overdr. 6247

signature: T 3021

other studies by the same author

other studies with the same classification

Gerritsz, Hessel - biographical data

Name: Gerritsz, Hessel
Name: L'enseigne du carte nautique
address: Amsterdam 1612-1630

Gerritsz, Hessel - biographical data

Name: Gerritsz, Hessel
Name: Carte nautique, l'enseigne du Gerardi, Hesselius
address: Amsterdam 1612-1630