Search result 683 of 18527

A prognostication printed by Colard Mansion (CA 1444).
Hellinga-Querido, Lotte
Hellinga, W.G.

in: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 47 (1972), p. 79-85

Mansion, Colard
Laet de Borchloen, Jaspar
15e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
M0: Algemene werken: encyclopedieën, almanakken

signature: LHO AW.A 06b GJB

signature: O.D. overdr. 2017

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Colophon from a book printed by Nicolaes Ketelaer and Gheraert de Leempt, the first printer from the Netherlands of whom we know the name.