Search result 777 of 18527

A technical description of letterpress printing in 1780
Janssen, Frans A.

in: Quaerendo, 7 (1977), p. 173-183, ill.

Bohn, François
18e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

signature: LHO AW.A 06b QUAE

signature: T 5925

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Bohn, F. - biographical data

Name: Bohn, F.
Name: Bohn, François
address: Haarlem
Period: 1781 - 1819

Bohn, François - biographical data

Name: Bohn, François
address: Haarlem 1781-18..

Erven F. Bohn - biographical data

Name: Erven F. Bohn
Name: héritiers F. Bohn
Name: Bohn
Name: Erben F. Bohn
Name: Erven F. Bohn N.V.
Name: Haeredes F. Bohn
Name: De Ervan F. Bohn
Name: Erven François Bohn
Name: Erven P. Bohn
address: Haarlem
Period: 1833 - 1991
Period: geen

Images about Bohn François

François Bohn