Search result 40 of 60
Protestantism crossing the seas: a short-title catalogue of English books printed before 1801 illustrating the spread of Protestant thought and the exchange of ideas between the English-speaking countries and the Netherlands, held by the University Library of the VrijeUniversiteit at Amsterdam Bibliotheca humanistica & reformatorica; 59 Le Cat, Michel L.H.M. Heijting, Willem (editor) Daalen, S. van (editor) 't Goy-Houten: HES & De Graaf Publishers, 2000. - XXXVI, 291 p., ill. review: Jaarboek voor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis, 9 (2002), p. 175-181, ill. - reviewer: Bell Maureen - signature: LHO AW.A 06b JNB review: Quaerendo, 32 (2002), p.140-142 - reviewer: Gerritsen, J. - signature: LHO AW.A 06b QUAE review: De boekenwereld, 18 (2001/02), p. 151 - reviewer: Kuyper F W - signature: LHO AW.A 06b BOE keywords: protestanten Engelse boeken universiteitsbibliotheken bibliotheekcatalogi (vorm) Nederland 20e eeuw classification: J: Bibliotheken en instellingen M2: Godsdienst signature: 4156006 |