You have searched for %28Plantijn%29+and+%28Christoffel%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 271 to 280 of 356

271. Plantin et les 'amours' de Ronsard
Sabbe Maurits 1924
272. Plantin, Granvelle et quelques documents inédits ou non publiés dans la correspondance
Van Durme, M. 1956
273. Plantiniana in de Batthyaneum-bibliotheek in Alba Iulia
Mârza, I. 1979
274. Plantin's betrekkingen met Hendrik Niclaes
Valkema Blouw, P. 1988
275. Plantin's dialogue on calligraphy and printing
276. Plantins fondscatalogus uit 1567
Coppens, Chris 1988
277. Plantin's illustrated books
Nash, R. 1956
278. Plantin's "Index characterum" of 1567
279. Plantin's lettercorps "Glose de messel".
Kruitwagen, Bonaventura 1908
280. Plantin's 1574 "Missale Romanum" in octavo: new findings on the occasion of a new acquisition by the Plantin-Moretus Museum
Imhof, D. 1995