You have searched for %28Plantijn%29+and+%28Christoffel%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 281 to 290 of 356

281. Plantin's ordinances
Gerritsen, J. 1975
282. Plantin's types and their makers
Carter, Harry 1956
283. Plantin und die niederländischen Einbandkunst seiner Zeit
Schunke, Ilse 1959
284. Plantyn-libertijn
285. Printers to Hendrik Niclaes: Plantin and Augustijn van Hasselt
Valkema Blouw, P. 1984
286. Production and sales figures of the Plantin press in 1566
Voet, L. 1968
287. Quatercentenary of Plantin's death, 1589-1989
Breugelmans, Ronald 1991
288. Recent acquisitions of the rare book division
Goff, Frederick R. 1972
289. Regulations relating to the planning and organization of work by the master printer in the ordinances of Christopher Plantin
Hellinga-Querido, Lotte Hellinga, W.G. 1974
290. Reliures belges à l'université d'Upsal: une reliure de Plantin: reliures de Louvain à Upsal
Högberg P 1927