Search result 696 of 1305

Het bibliophielenboek vandaag
Ovink, G.W.

Nord, Max (authorIntroductionVolume)
in: Amor librorum: bibliographic and other essays: a tribute to Abraham Horodisch on his sixtieth birthday = Amor librorum: studia bibliographica necnon alia miscellanea Abrahamo Horodisch sexagenario oblata

Zürich: Safaho Foundation; Amsterdam: Erasmus Antiquariaat, 1958, p. 153-156

typografische vormgeving
private presses
20e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
H: Bibliofilie, particuliere collecties

signature: LHO AW.A 01 HOR

other studies by the same author

other studies with the same classification

private presses

Definition: literally, a private printing press; often a composing room and printing press established in a house for the purpose of making beautiful printed matter in a small print run, not primarily for commercial purposes.