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Two fifteenth-century books

in: The bookworm, 5 (1892), p 185-187, ill.

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stichtelijke boeken
Leeu, Gheraert
Jordanus de Quedlinburg
15e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
M2: Godsdienst

signature: LHO AW.A 06b BOO

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Gheraert Leeu - biographical data

Name: Gheraert Leeu
address: Gouda
Period: 1998 - 1999
Period: geen

Leeu, Gheraert - biographical data

Name: Leeu, Gheraert
Name: G. de Leew, G. Lyon, G. Leonis, G.L
address: Gouda 1477-1484
address: Antwerpen 1484-1493

Images about Leeu Gheraert

Colophon from a book printed by Nicolaes Ketelaer and Gheraert de Leempt, the first printer from the Netherlands of whom we know the name.