Search result 212 of 782

Dutch translations of the "Corpus Hermeticum"
Janssen, Frans A.

Janssen, Frans A. (authorVolume)
in: Technique and design in the history of printing: 26 essays

't Goy-Houten: Hes & De Graaf, 2004, p. 336-344, ill.

Eerder verschenen in: Croiset van Uchelen, A.R.A. ... [et al.] (red.), Theatrum orbis librorum: liber amicorum presented to Nico Israel on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. - Utrecht: HES/Forum, 1989, p. 230-241, ill.

hermetische filosofie
Hermes Trismegistus

M1: Filosofie, psychologie
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

signature: LHO AW.A 02 JANS

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