Search result 67 of 782

Bram de Does and the Spectatorpress
Carter, S.

Kuyper, Bubb (editorVolume)
Maas, Nop (editorVolume)
in: Bramd de Does: Laurens Jansz Costerprijs 2007

Haarlem: Stichting Laurens Jansz Coster, 2007, p. 44-48, ill.

private presses
typografische vormgeving
herinneringen (vorm)
Does, Bram de
Spectatorpers (fa.)
20e eeuw
21e eeuw

C: Paleografie, letterontwerp, lettertypen, lettergieten, schrift
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

signature: 2265103

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private presses

Definition: literally, a private printing press; often a composing room and printing press established in a house for the purpose of making beautiful printed matter in a small print run, not primarily for commercial purposes.