Search result 505 of 3658

Commerce or culture?: the first circulating library in the Netherlands
Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century; 304
Janssens-Knorsch, U.

Mason, H.T. ... [et al.]. (editorVolume)
in: Transactions of the eighth international congress on the Enlightenment = Actes du huitième congrès international des Lumières; 2

Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1992, p. 1021-1023

Scheurleer, Hendrik
18e eeuw

G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij
J: Bibliotheken en instellingen

signature: S 1806 3:304

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Scheurleer F[loris]z, Hendrik - biographical data

Name: Scheurleer F[loris]z, Hendrik
Name: H. Scheurleer junior
address: 's-Gravenhage 1750-1764

Scheurleer, Fredrik Hendrik - biographical data

Name: Scheurleer, Fredrik Hendrik
address: 's-Gravenhage 1741-1757

Scheurleer, Hendrik - biographical data

Name: Scheurleer, Hendrik
address: 's-Gravenhage 1710-1741

Scheurleer Nic[olaas]z, Hendrik - biographical data

Name: Scheurleer Nic[olaas]z, Hendrik
address: 's-Gravenhage 1732-1744

Images about Scheurleer Hendrik

"Almanach der boekverkoopers, drukkers and binders", The Hague, 1761