Search result 82 of 256
Echoes of the French press in Dutch periodicals in the age of the Ancien Régime Vet, J.J.V.M. de Bots, H. (editorVolume) in: La diffusion et la lecture des journaux de langue française sous l'Ancien Régime: actes du colloque international, Nimègue, 3-5 juin 1987 = Circulation and reception of periodicals in the French language during the 17th and 18th centuries: proceedings of theinternational congress, Nijmegen, 3-5 June 1987 Amsterdam; Maarssen: APA-Holland University Press, 1988, p. 249-261 keywords: Frans (taal) tijdschriften Nederland 17e eeuw 18e eeuw classification: L: Journalistiek, persgeschiedenis signature: S 3489 17 |