Search result 714 of 929

'O wee als er alleen een hardcover uit is': de pocketkelder van Dekker Van de Vegt
Winssen, T. van

in: Boekblad, 161 (1994) 16, p. 22-23, ill.

modern antiquariaat
Dekker & Van de Vegt (fa.)
20e eeuw

G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

signature: LHO AW.A 06b NIE

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early export paperbacks

Definition: paperback editions of new novels iN-ENglish, which are brought onto the market in the Netherlands before publication of the Dutch translation.


Definition: sewn, glued or stapled book with cover of thin cardboard which is only glued to the spine of the text block; differs only in size from a 'pocketboek'.


Definition: sewn, glued or stapled book with a cover that is only glued to the spine of the text block; only different from a paperback in the (smaller) format.