Search result 35 of 50

"Le parfait capitaine", [...].
Chenu, J.

in: Bulletin du bibliophile, 11 (1854), p. 748-749

Elzevier, Abraham I
Elzevier, Bonaventura
Le parfait capitaine
17e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
M7: Kunst en cultuur

signature: LHO AW.A 06b BB

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Elzevier, Bonaventura - biographical data

Name: Elzevier, Bonaventura
Name: B. Elsevier
address: Amsterdam 1608-1609
address: Leiden 1610, 1617-1653

Elzevier, Bonaventura - biographical data

Name: Elzevier, Bonaventura
Name: Elsevier, Bonaventura
address: Leiden 1610-1653

Images about Elzevier Bonaventura

A well-designed historical study of the Germans, published by the Elzeviers of Leiden, 1631