Search result 330 of 455

Plantijndrukken in de Henegouwse boekhandel in 1569
Janssens, G.

Voet, L. ... [et al.]. (authorVolume)
De Schepper, M. (editorVolume)
De Nave, F. (editorVolume)
in: Ex Officina Plantiniana: studia in memoriam Christophori Plantini (ca. 1520-1589).

Antwerpen: Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Bibliophielen, 1989, p. 349-379

Speciaal nummer van: De gulden passer, 66/67 (1988/89).

bibliografieƫn (vorm)
Plantijn, Christoffel
16e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
K: Maatschappelijke aspecten van boekproductie en -verspreiding

signature: LHO OD.A 42 PLA22

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Definition: In bookbinding, a length of thin ribbon glued to the top of the spine of a book before lining, for use as a bookmark. Books used in the services of the Roman Catholic Church sometimes have several ribbons in different colors for marking more than onepage. In 16th-century French bookbinding, a precious stone or other ornament was sometimes attached to the ribbon.