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Sobre el 'privilegio' a Cristóbal Plantin
Moll, J.

Aguirre González, Francisco Javier ... [et al.]. (authorVolume)
in: Homenage a Justo García Morales: miscelánea de estudios con motivo de su jubilación

Madrid: Asociación Española de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios, Muséologos y Documentalistas, 1987, p. 809-819

Plantijn, Christoffel
16e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

signature: O.D. overdr. 8087

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printing privileges

Definition: right for the protection of printers and publishers against the illegal reproduction of printed matter before the introduction of the modern copyright.


Definition: exclusive rights, granted for a certain period, for the publication, distribution and sale of one single work or a certain category of works within the jurisdiction of the privilege-granting body; meant to protect the copyright of the publisher orauthor, and to control the production of the printed work.