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Der zweite "Türkenkalender": 1942 Groningen: Hendrik Nicolaas Werkman
Kleiner Druck der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft; 80
Münsteraner Marginalien zur Publizistik; 9
Prakke, H.J.

Ovink, G.W. (contributingAuthor)
Kessemeier, Siegfried (translator)

Mainz: Gutenberg-Gesellschaft; Assen: Van Gorcum, 1967. - 28 p.

Voordracht voor de Gutenberg-gesellschaft, 16 juni 1966. - Bevat van G.W.Ovink: "Typographische Beschreibung des "Türkenkalenders" von Werkman" (p. 23-26).

typografische vormgevers
clandestiene uitgaven
private presses
Werkman, Hendrik Nicolaas
20e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

signature: S 412 80

signature: S 1887 9

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private presses

Definition: literally, a private printing press; often a composing room and printing press established in a house for the purpose of making beautiful printed matter in a small print run, not primarily for commercial purposes.