Search result 174 of 352

catalogue: Catalogus instructissimae bibliothecae. [Collected by an Amsterdam magistrate, his library contained mss. which once belonged to Janus Gruterus]. Amsterdam: Hendrick Boom & widow Dirk (I) Boom, 1706. 8°: [4] 112 p.

auctioneer: Boom, Hendrick

auctioneer: Boom, Dirk (I), widow

date auction: 1706-04-13
place: Amsterdam
identification: IDC-cat. 1093

Six, Johannes
Gruterus, Janus
Six, Johannes & Janus Gruterus

microfiche: mf 1811-1812

signature original: The Hague, KB Verz. Cat. 5398:1 [ms. prices]

Boom, Hendrick - biographical data

Name: Boom, Hendrick
Name: H. Dendrinus, H. Baum, officina Boomiana
address: Amsterdam 1657-1709
address: 's-Gravenhage 1681-1682

Boom, Hendrick - biographical data

Name: Boom, Hendrick
Name: Dendrinus, Hendrick
address: Amsterdam 1659-1708

Boom, Hendrick - biographical data

Name: Boom, Hendrick
address: Den Haag 1681-1682