Search result 2 of 3

catalogue: Bibliotheca Bouttiana. [Collected by a member of the States General]. The Hague: Johannes (I) Gaillard & Hendrik Bakhuyzen, [1779]. 8°: [6] 240 p.

auctioneer: Gaillard, Johannes (I)

auctioneer: Bakhuyzen, Hendrik

date auction: 1779-04-12
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 3211

Bout van Lieshout, Pieter
Vincent, Levinus
Bout van Lieshout, Pieter & Levinus Vincent (1658-1727)

microfiche: mf 5079-5081

signature original: Leeuwarden, PBF B 5138:2 [the parts (or catalogues) with paintings etc. and naturalia are lacking]

Bakhuyzen, Hendrik - biographical data

Name: Bakhuyzen, Hendrik
Name: H. Backhuizen, H. Backhuysen
address: 's-Gravenhage 1757-1800

Images about Bakhuyzen Hendrik

Catalogue of the auction of Hendrik Scheurleer's lending library, 1763