Search result 1 of 1

catalogue: Supplementum catalogi librorum compactorum. [Leiden]: [Johannes Brill], [not before 1812]. 8°: 16 p.

auctioneer: Brill, Johannes

date auction: 1812 (not before)
place: Leiden
identification: IDC-cat. 919

Luchtmans, Samuel (III)
Luchtmans, Johannes
Luchtmans, Samuel (III) & Johannes Luchtmans

microfiche: mf 1539-1540

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB [bound between parts of 1810 (not before) Luchtmans]

Luchtmans S. & J. - biographical data

Name: Luchtmans, S. & J.
Name: Brill, E. J.
Name: Luchtmans, Jordaan
Name: Luchtmans, Samuel
Name: Luchtmans, Johannes
Name: Brill, Johannes
Name: Bodel Nijhuis, Johannes Tiberius
address: Leiden
Period: 1683-1848