Search result 117 of 235

catalogue: [Text in Hebrew, transcription:] Luah sefarim milshonot wehokhmot shonot. - Catalogus variorum atque in [!] insignium [...] librorum. [Collected by an Amsterdam rabbi; the catalogues were distributed by Abraham Wolfgang]. Amsterdam: Abraham Wolfgang & David de CastroTartaz, 1693. 4°: [2] 20 6 p.

auctioneer: Wolfgang, Abraham

auctioneer: Castro Tartaz, David de

date auction: 1693-07-15
place: Amsterdam
identification: IDC-cat. 3732

Aboab da Fonseca, Isaac (1605-1693)
Aboab da Fonseca, Isaac (1605-1693)

microfiche: mf 5833

signature original: Budapest, OSK 821.698

Wolfgang, Abraham - biographical data

Name: Wolfgang, Abraham
address: Amsterdam 1658-1694

Wolfgang, Abraham - biographical data

Name: Wolfgang, Abraham
Name: Wolfganck, Abraham Wolfgang, Abraham (de jonge) Wolfgangh, Abraham Wolfgangk, Abraham Wolfgank, Abraham
address: Amsterdam 1658-1694

Images about Wolfgang Abraham

Bookshops at the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, c. 1660 (detail)