Search result 109 of 113

Natural history & travel

catalogue: Antiquariaatscatalogus

auctioneer: Junk
auctioneer: Schierenberg, Allard
auctioneer: Bruggen, Jeanne van

date auction: 2005
Verzcat 57061

place of publication: Amsterdam

Bakker S. P. - biographical data

Name: Bakker, S. P.
Name: Junk, W.
Name: Kosmos

Bureau voor Communicatie en Advies over Energie en Milieu - biographical data

Name: Bureau voor Communicatie en Advies over Energie en Milieu
Name: Nijhoff & Junk, ISMA, IPI (1983)
address: Den Haag
Period: 1983 - 1983
Period: geen

Commission of the European Communities - biographical data

Name: Commission of the European Communities
Name: Nijhoff & Junk (1986)
address: Boston
Period: 1986 - 1986
Period: geen

Commission of the European Communities - biographical data

Name: Commission of the European Communities
Name: Nijhoff/W. Junk
Name: Nijhoff & Junk (1986)
address: Dordrecht
Period: 1986 - 1986
Period: geen

Commission of the European Communities - biographical data

Name: Commission of the European Communities
Name: Martinus Nijhoff (1979-1980)
Name: Nijhoff & Junk (1984)
Name: Junk (1981)
address: Den Haag
Period: 1979 - 1984
Period: geen

Junk - biographical data

Name: Junk
address: Londen
Period: 1978 - 1983
Period: geen

Junk - biographical data

Name: Junk
address: Lochem
Period: 1970 - 1972
Period: geen

Junk - biographical data

Name: Junk
Name: Dr. W. Junk Publishers
Name: Dr. W. Junk
Name: W. Junk
Name: Junk
Name: W. Junk Publishers
Name: W. Junk bv Publishers
Name: Dr. W. Junk N.V. Publishers
Name: Dr. W. Junk B.V. Publishers
Name: Junk Publ.
Name: Dr. W. Junk by Publishers
Name: Junk Publishers
Name: Commission of the European Communities (1981)
Name: Nijhoff (1978)
address: Den Haag
Period: 1894 - 1990
Period: geen

Junk - biographical data

Name: Junk
Name: Dr. W. Junk
Name: Dr W. Junk Publishers
Name: W. Junk
Name: W. Junk Publishers
Name: W. Junk
address: Dordrecht
Period: 1984 - 1988
Period: geen

Junk - biographical data

Name: Junk
Name: Dr W. Junk
Name: Dr. W. Junk by Publishers
Name: Dr. W. Junk Publishers
Name: W. Junk Publishers
Name: W. Junk bv Publishers
address: Boston
Period: 1949 - 1986
Period: geen

Junk - biographical data

Name: Junk
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1946 - 1948
Period: geen

Junk Irma M. - biographical data

Name: Junk, Irma M.
Name: Weisbach-Junk, Irma M.
Name: Junk, W.
Period: 1900-....

Junk W. - biographical data

Name: Junk, W.
Name: Kluwer
Name: Nijhoff Publishers, Martinus
Name: Schierenberg, R.
Name: Weisbach, W.
Name: Weisbach-Junk, I. M.
Name: Plasterk, K. J.
Name: Bakker, S. P.
Name: Humalda van Eysinga, F. W. B. van
Name: Schierenberg, Allard
address: Berlin
address: Den Haag
address: Lochem
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1899-1934
Period: 1934-1979
Period: 1942-1943
Period: 1979-....

Junk Wilhelm - biographical data

Name: Junk, Wilhelm
Name: Junk, W.
Period: 1866-1942

Nijhoff - biographical data

Name: Nijhoff
Name: Stichting Geestelijke Liederen uit den Schat van de Kerk der Eeuwen (1955-1976)
Name: Junk (1978)
address: Den Haag
Period: 1848 - 1999
Period: 193X

Nijhoff & Junk - biographical data

Name: Nijhoff & Junk
Name: Nijhoff
Name: Junk
Name: Junk/Nijhoff
Name: Junk & Nijhoff
Name: Nijhoff/Junk
Name: Nijhoff Junk
Name: Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk
Name: Martinus Nijhoff/Junk
Name: Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W Junk Publishers
Name: M. Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers
Name: Junk & Nijhoff
Name: CEA, ISMA, IPI (1983)
Name: Commission of the European Communities (1984)
address: Den Haag
Period: 1959 - 1986
Period: 19XX

Nijhoff & Junk - biographical data

Name: Nijhoff & Junk
Name: Nijhoff/Junk
Name: Junk & Nijhoff
Name: Nijhoff/W. Junk
Name: Nijhoff/Junk Publ.
Name: M. Nijhoff/W. Junk
Name: M. Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk
Name: Nijhoff/Junk
Name: Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers
Name: M. Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers
Name: Commission of the European Communities (1986)
address: Dordrecht
Period: 1984 - 1988
Period: geen

Nijhoff & Junk - biographical data

Name: Nijhoff & Junk
Name: M. Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers
Name: M. Nijhoff/W. Junk
Name: Nijhoff & Junk
Name: Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. JunkPublishers
Name: Nijhoff/Junk
Name: Nijhoff/W. Junk
Name: Commission of the European Communities (1986)
address: Boston
Period: 1982 - 1986
Period: geen

Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk Publishers Martinus - biographical data

Name: Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Martinus
Name: Nijhoff Publishers, Martinus
Name: Humalda van Eysinga, F. W. B. van
address: Den Haag
address: Dordrecht
Period: 1982-1984
Period: 1984-1989

Nijhoff Publishers Martinus - biographical data

Name: Nijhoff Publishers, Martinus
Name: Nijhoff, Martinus
Name: Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Martinus
Name: Humelda van Eysinga, F. W. B. van
address: Den Haag
Period: 1978-1982

Weisbach Walter W. - biographical data

Name: Weisbach, Walter W.
Name: Junk, W.
Period: 1889-1962