Search result 20 of 69

catalogue: Catalogus van een zeer schoone verzameling [...] boeken. [&] Atlas der vaderlandsche historie. [Collected by an Amsterdam bookseller; the books on p. 33 were sold among booksellers]. Amsterdam: Johannes Kok & Jan Roos & Gerbrand Roos, [1788]. 8°: [2] 62 p.

auctioneer: Kok, Johannes

auctioneer: Roos, Jan

auctioneer: Roos, Gerbrand

date auction: 1788-11-11
place: Amsterdam
identification: IDC-cat. 510

Kok, Jacobus
Kok, Jacobus

microfiche: mf 847-848

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 521

Asher & Co. A. - biographical data

Name: Asher & Co., A.
Name: Asher Rare Books
Name: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
Name: Steiner, K. A.
Name: Isra‰l, Nico
Name: Israel, Maarten Jan
Name: Roos, M. J.
Name: Israel Rare Books
Name: Librije International
address: Amsterdam
address: Vaals
address: IJmuiden
Period: 1960?-1969
Period: 1969-1972
Period: 1971-1995
Period: 1995-....?

Roos Gerbrand - biographical data

Name: Roos, Gerbrand
Name: Roos, Jan
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1798-1820

Roos, Jan - biographical data

Name: Roos, Jan
address: Amsterdam 1755-1798

Images about Roos Jan

F.C. Terborgh, "El gran cañon", Utrecht, 1965