Search result 101 of 234

catalogue: Catalogus selectissimorum [...] librorum. [Collected by a justice in the Court of Holland]. [The Hague]: [Johannes Swart & Hendrik Bakhuyzen], [1758]. 8°: [2] 98 p.

auctioneer: Swart, Johannes

auctioneer: Bakhuyzen, Hendrik

date auction: 1758-09-18
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 3634

Mauregnault, Johan de
Mauregnault, Johan de

microfiche: mf 5714-5715

signature original: Augsburg, UB I.1.8.290:2

Bakhuyzen, Hendrik - biographical data

Name: Bakhuyzen, Hendrik
Name: H. Backhuizen, H. Backhuysen
address: 's-Gravenhage 1757-1800

Images about Bakhuyzen Hendrik

Catalogue of the auction of Hendrik Scheurleer's lending library, 1763