2.4.7: 1585 - 1725 - The survival chance of books

By no means all books printed during this period have survived. Natural disasters, wars and human carelessness have taken their toll here as well. In general, much has been lost of the printed matter that was produced in large impressions, such as ephemera and popular reading material. 'The more there were, the less there are', often seems to be the rule. We know, for example, of some almanacs, a genre which was brought onto the market in print-runs of 10,000 or more, only that they existed; not a single copy has survived.

The extant book production of the period between 1585 and 1725 is estimated at 125,000 to 150,000 different editions. There are, however, very few contemporary sources which provide insight into the number of book titles and editions which were published during this period; and those which have survived cannot claim completeness or bibliographical reliability. The only work which attempted completeness, at least in name, is the Catalogus universalis, a publication by the Amsterdam bookseller Broer Jansz, which covers the years 1639-1651. However, publications not distributed via the book trade such as occasional poetry, academic texts and official publications, and cheap and topical printed matter such as pamphlets, newspapers, almanacs and auction catalogues were not included, nor were, by any means, all publications meeting the criteria of the Catalogus universalis. Nevertheless, a cautious estimate based on this catalogue indicates that of the 'real books', the books which were bought in bookshops and which were retained after reading, more than 80% can still be found today. This percentage is also confirmed for the rest of the period from lists of titles from other sources such as publisher's lists and stock lists of individual booksellers, book auction catalogues, estate inventories, 'book lists in books' and suchlike.

Other figures certainly apply to the less regular books which were not or only occasionally referred to in the sources mentioned. It has been calculated, for example, that of printed auction catalogues no more than 10% has survived. As with other consumption books such as almanacs and occasional poetry, they were mostly thrown away after they had served their purpose. The loss of schoolbooks, music books, prayer books and suchlike is also large because they suffered greatly from intensive use. For the whole category of popular literature (prose novels, songbooks, 'real' literature in cheaper editions, and travelogues) there is often only a single copy known of a particular edition which means that whole editions have certainly disappeared entirely.

Old institutional libraries such as the university libraries collected of old primarily scholarly and scientific books and works by recognised men of letters. Devotional literature, sermons, cheap bibles, psalm books and 'Boeren-Catsen' (cheap editions of the work of Jacob Cats) were for a long time not part of their collection strategy. This also had a great influence on the survival rate. Political and religious pamphlets were considered from early on to be a major historical source and are therefore - in spite of their often tatty appearance - preserved in relatively large numbers. The editions of ordinances and proclamations were mostly intended for government bodies. They can still be found in large numbers in archives but to a lesser extent in libraries. Large contemporary private collections were often dispersed later.

author: Jan Bos

The survival chance of books

company libraries

Definition: library for the use of a company or business, an organisational part of that company.

depository libraries

Definition: library aiming to preserve permanently in the collection and to keep in good condition all publications and other documents once acquired.

mobile libraries

Definition: specially equipped vehicle acting as a branch or department of a public library from which services are rendered at different locations.

regional libraries

Definition: local library which performs tasks for the surrounding areas as well as gearing its collections and services to this task; sometimes as a special function within the organisation of a library system or library network.

virtual libraries

Definition: 1. the total of electronic data which is accessible to someone through networks (depending on hardware facilities, subscriptions, etc.). 2. extension of the role of the library in the information chain with regard to selection, retrieval and makingavailable of electronic publications, which do not necessarily form part of the holding of the library in question.

national libraries

Definition: library maintained by central government which may be entrusted with one or more national tasks besides building a scientific collection of its own such as collecting and preserving copies of all the publications published in the country or the languagearea, compiling the national bibliography, maintaining the union catalogues, acting as a bibliographical information centre and promoting co-operation on a national level.

private libraries

Definition: library which is the property of a private person; also used for a library which is maintained without direct or indirect funding from public means by an association, society, or other similar organisation.

research libraries

Definition: library which is principally aimed at collection building and service for the benefit of scholarly/scientific research and education.

public libraries

Definition: library accessible to and meant for the general public, where collections of books newspapers, periodicals and audio-visual materials, which are current and representative for the cultural field, are made available and which are mainly paid for frompublic funds.


Definition: 1.organised collection of books, periodicals and/or other graphic and/or audio-visual or electronic documents, available for consultation and/or loan. 2. organisation or department responsible for the building and maintaining of such collections andhaving at its disposal specialised personnel to allow use. 3. space or building where such collections are housed.

institutional libraries

Definition: library belonging to an institution; founded for the benefit of the members of this institution.

general libraries

Definition: library which in building its collection aims, in principle, to collect all fields of the arts, science and society.

scholars' libraries

Definition: collection of books owned by an academic person, collected together to facilitate scholarly or scientific research.

society libraries

Definition: library of an association or society, devoted to the promotion of science, the arts or literature.

church libraries

Definition: library maintained by or originating from a church, religious denomination, sect, etc., to support the denomination, pastoral work and/or theological training and education.

monastic libraries

Definition: library maintained or originated from a Roman Catholic order or congregation for the service of its own community and usually accommodated in a monastery or abbey.

circulating libraries

Definition: collection of books and other printed matter, made available by a bookseller or someone else, which can be used by subscribers at a charge.

public welfare libraries

Definition: library maintained by the Maatschappij tot Nut van het Algemeen (society for public welfare): a society founded in 1784 for national education and education in the general Christian spirit of tolerance and patriotism.

school libraries

Definition: organised and accessible collection of books and other (teaching) materials which is situated in a central place in a school for primary or secondary education to be used by pupils and personnel.

town libraries

Definition: public library with a town (city) as its field of activity and maintained by the town (city) council; sometimes originally and in practice also a learned library.

lending libraries

Definition: library or department of a library where the collection is meant to be lent.

university libraries

Definition: library or library system belonging to a university with the aim of supporting education and research.

special libraries

Definition: independent library or library resorting under a library system, of which the greater part of the collection relates to specific fields of study or certain document forms, or which is primarily aimed at a specific user group.

popular libraries

Definition: non-commercial library accessible to everyone; as a rule founded by a social or religious institution and managed by volunteers.

commercial libraries

Definition: commercial enterprise which - as a sideline or not - lends books for money; mainly fiction.